All READY SET(preschoolers )shoes are purchased through UCANDANCE Studio, in person or via our online webpage shop
School aged shoes purchased from Bella & Mim: 85 Fryers St Shepparton

- Bloch Prolite Leather full sole Ballet shoe (Theatrical Pink)
Boys - Black
Foundation - Grade 5
Ballet shoes should NOT be purchased with room to grow and they should be fitted firmly and snug and like a second skin.
Ballet shoes do not fit like a regular shoe. It is important that shoes are fitted correctly and firmly so that correct and safe dance technique can be taught and seen and to prevent injuries to the muscles in the feet.
Elastic strings should be pulled firmly and be tied in a small tight knot, then cut the excess off so that strings cannot be seen. Elastic strings do not get tied into bows.

- Bloch Prolite 11 Leather Split sole Ballet shoe (Theatrical Pink)
Boys - black.
Grades 6 & over
Ballet shoes should NOT be purchased with room to grow and they should be fitted firmly and snug and like a second skin.
Ballet shoes do not fit like a regular shoe. It is important that shoes are fitted correctly and firmly so that correct and safe dance technique can be taught and seen and to prevent injuries to the muscles in the feet.
Aesthetically if a ballet shoe is too big it will hinder showing the correct line of the arches, feet and legs. Ballet shoes come in varying widths, ensure your width is fitted snug. Ballet shoes that are too big, can make it difficult to perform skills well and safely.
Ballet shoes are made of soft leather and will stretch and mold to the feet as dancers grow a little. There shouldn't be any excess room at the toes, arches and heels.
Elastic strings should be pulled firmly and be tied in a small tight knot, then cut the excess off so that strings cannot be seen. Elastic strings do not get tied into bows.

Bloch Tan elastaboot slip on Jazz shoes
All ages
Jazz shoes do not fit like a regular shoe. It is important that shoes are fitted correctly and firmly so that correct and safe dance technique can be taught and seen and to prevent injuries to the muscles in the feet. There shouldn't be excess room at the toes, arches and heels. The shoes are made of soft leather and have stretch elastic to allow for stretching and molding to the foot as students feet grow a little.
Aesthetically if a jazz shoe is too big it will hinder showing the correct line of the feet and legs. jazz shoes that are too big, can make it difficult to perform skills well and safely..

Bloch Black elastaboot slip on jazz shoes
All ages
Jazz shoes do not fit like a regular shoe. It is important that shoes are fitted correctly and firmly so that correct and safe dance technique can be taught and seen and to prevent injuries to the muscles in the feet. There shouldn't be excess room at the toes, arches and heels. The shoes are made of soft leather and have stretch elastic to allow for stretching and molding to the foot as students feet grow a little.
Aesthetically if a jazz shoe is too big it will hinder showing the correct line of the feet and legs. jazz shoes that are too big, can make it difficult to perform skills well and safely..

Girls Bloch Tan Tap On
Foundation - Grade 5
Tap shoes should be fitted well with not too much extra room. Wearing tap shoes that are too big will hinder being able to tap clearly, perform certain skills and sounds and can be unsafe.
There should be no room at the heels.

Bloch black Chloe & Maude or Bloch Tap Flex
Grade 6 & Above
Tap shoes should be fitted well with not too much extra room. Wearing tap shoes that are too big will hinder being able to tap clearly, perform certain skills and sounds and can be unsafe.
There should be no room at the heels.

Bloch boys Tap shoe S0301B
All ages
Tap shoes should be fitted well with not too much extra room. Wearing tap shoes that are too big will hinder being able to tap clearly, perform certain skills and sounds and can be unsafe.
There should be no room at the heels.
Buckle up or lace Tap shoes of your choice

Capezio foot undeez
Half-sole lyrical turning shoes may be required for end of year concert.
Tween/Pre-Teen/Senior/Open/Teen Adv/Elite

Tan Jazz shoes.
Teens may require character shoes for performance.
All ages

Black Jazz shoes
All ages

Half sole turning shoe
Turning shoes should NOT be purchased with room to grow and they should be fitted firmly and snug and like a second skin.
Turning shoes do not fit like a regular shoe. It is important that shoes are fitted correctly and firmly so that correct and safe dance technique can be taught and seen and to prevent injuries to the muscles in the feet.
Aesthetically if a Half-sole shoe is too big it will hinder showing the correct line of the feet and legs. Half-sole shoes that are too big, can make it difficult to perform skills well and safely.
Turning shoes, also known as half soles are made of soft canvas and will stretch and mold to the feet as dancers grow a little. There shouldn't be any excess room at the toes or sides of feet. Elastics should be firm to pull the half sole on nice and firm.