Open/ Teen Adv/Elite
Safety, learning correct technique and building upon solid foundations are particularly important to every dancer, whether a recreational student or the more serious. Our prep for pointe class is a strength and conditioning class, focusing on ballet fundamentals that help students take part in a program that correctly prepares them over time, with commitment towards possibly commencing en pointe. This class is for invited students who teachers feel are ready.
Individual programs are tailored to every dancers needs to assist in focusing on their goals in class and out of class. It is always the decision of a Dance physiotherapist who will work with us and assess and decide when a student is ready for pointe or what assistance can be given. Pointe shoes aside, this class is wonderful for strengthening dancers. Those students en pointe will have a tailored program developed to work with them and their teacher. At any time where teachers feel students are unsafe, concerned or would benefit from specialised guidance, they will be asked to have additional assessments done by a Ballet Physiotherapist specialising in Pointe readiness.
This class is a non - concert class for students not en pointe, with the focus on technique and strengthening. Those students who are en pointe, experienced and assessed as performance and stage ready, will have the opportunity to perform one routine in the end of year show as an extension of their ballet class.
Choreographed By: Caitlyn Wilkins
Performed By Stars Ballet & Pointe